Huang Yi Cong Foundation



Awesome Benefit

Awesome Benefit is a special fund established in the summer of 2015 in Shanghai, China by a group of compassionate people who see their responsibility in the needs of the vulnerable and are determined to do what they are capable of in places where they are needed. This fund is supervised by Huang Yi Cong Foundation and executed by volunteers. Its programs and the use of the fund vary from project to project and is on Foundation’s approval basis

Our goal and vision is to gather many more work partners and volunteers, who care about humanity, community, the environment and our earth, as together we can seek for more creative and effective approaches, to collect and exert group intelligence, manpower and resources to carry forward our overall services and impact to take good care of the poor and the vulnerable people. We believe that the effort from each individual is an additive effect while the efforts from a group will show multiplicative effect. Furthermore, with the collective efforts and collaboration from many individuals, groups and institutes who hold missions of similar nature, both in China and worldwide, we can provide better services for the good causes to extend even greater and longer social impact.

Awesome Benefit is committed to gather people’s passion, love, creativity, dreams and reality, to diligently practice what we advocate: “Doing good for the world we live in” and to happily accomplish our mission with the best of our ability.
