Huang Yi Cong Foundation



The Sunshine Preschool Project

“One Village, One Preschool and Pre-primary Class turns into Preschool” project is a preschool education pilot project of Yunnan Provincial Education Department. In hoping to transform the existing pre-primary school class to independent preschools, and establish preschools in large administrative villages, the project strives to gradually achieve the education layout of “One Village, One Preschool” in the province. Ximeng County is one of the pilot counties. 

After preliminary field visits and researches, the Foundation worked together with the International Humana People to People Movement (Switzerland) Yunnan Representative Office and Ximeng County Education Bureau to launch this program to provide the village parents accesses to early childhood education. The Foundation provided grants on teachers’training, supervisions, curriculum management and parent-children interaction skills. 

Considering the number of children is not large enough to have individual classes. The preschool is of mixed ages from 3-6. This brings the staff with more sophisticated situations in terms of teaching skills and composing teaching materials. However, through frequent training, from experts, the teachers became more hands-on and gained skills to mitigate the difficulty.  

As of December 2021, the "Sun Shine Preschool" project has held 166 classes in Ximeng, Funing and Lancang Counties, Yunnan Province, with 3771 children enrolled. In the past six years, 1452 students have graduated from these preschools.

Here we come! Olivia Yu, Founder of HYC Foundation was telling stories at a Sunshine Preschool in Yunnan, 2017
2023-02-09 10:54:14
The Sunshine Preschool Project, Ximeng County, Yunnan Prov., 2016
2023-02-10 15:21:00