Huang Yi Cong Foundation



Helping People with Physically or Mentally Challenged-- Introduction to the golden staff project

In 2020, the Foundation extended the previous “Torch Program”, and supported One Plus One Foundation to offer the visually challenged students who are going to college a training program that will help them learn to be independent enough prior to the integration at universities. It also help them better respond to challenges, and attain their goals as higher education will bring.

Through a series of designed preparation courses, these students learn both indoor program on computer skills, career planning, as well as outdoor training such as taking public transportation alone, shopping and dining at restaurants. Eventually, they are able to complete the tasks on their own.  

We hope by organizing more of this kind of training program, it will break the stereotype and limitations that the general public has toward them. With the completion of this training, the participants would dare to believe in themselves and be more confident to explore possibilities for their future.
